We collaborate globally with distributors to ensure the smartcanula reach healthcare providers worldwide. Our distributors hold exclusive rights within their countries, providing dedicated support and local market expertise. We value our strong, trusted relationships with our distributors, ensuring our products meet the highest standards of excellence. Explore our global distribution network, categorized by regions, showcasing the extensive reach of our products. If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact us to explore distribution opportunities in your country.
CZECH REPUBLIC and SLOVAKIA MyDevice s.r.o. Galvaniho 7/D ARUBA Business Center 821 04 Bratislava 2 p: +421 905 262 371 e: info@my-device.eu hp: www.my-device.eu
ISRALE Systemedic LTD Bareket 13, North Industrial Park PO Box 3061 Caesarea 3097013 p: +972 46222488 e: info@systemedic.co.il hp: www.systemedic.co.il/
Asia Pacific
ASIA PACIFIC Pacific Medical Systems Limited A1, 11/F, Roxy Industrial Centre 58-66 Tai Lin Pai Road Kwai Chung, New Territories Hong Kong, S.A.R. e: info@pacificmedicalsystems.com hp: www.pacificmedicalsystems.com
Active: HK, China, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia
INDIA BL Lifesciences A-245, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1 New Delhi-110020 p: +91 9311078051 e: blls@bllifesciences.com hp: www.bllifesciences.com
Middle East
KUWAIT Unitech Solutions Sharq, Ahmad Al Jaber Street Investor Tower 13th Floor Postal Code 15452 Dasman, Kuwait City e: info@uni-techsolutions.com hp: www.uni-techsolutions.com
JORDAN Palm Corporation for Medical Supplies P.O. Box 1511 Tareq Amman 11947